Spruce up your garden for Spring with Zoflora

Spruce up your garden for Spring with Zoflora

Now that spring has officially sprung and the weather is beginning to improve, we’re likely to be spending a lot more time in our gardens. Welcoming friends and family back into our outdoor spaces is bound to be an exciting time,  so why not make your garden look and smell beautiful too! Keep reading for some top tips to help you transform your garden into a hygienically clean and beautifully fragrant getaway. 


No matter the size of your patio, cleaning and disinfecting it can be quite a daunting task. Luckily, Zoflora is on hand to help bring some life into your patio by killing 99.9% viruses and bacteria, whilst filling the space with beautiful fragrance. To get started, add 1 capful of your favourite fragrance for every 400ml of water into a bucket and pour the solution over your patio. Then simply use a hard bristle yard brush to scrub down. Always remember to remove children and pets from the area and leave to dry completely before allowing them back onto treated surfaces.

Garden furniture

As most of us won’t be jetting off abroad this year, we’ll likely be turning to our gardens to get that tropical feeling. However, one thing that can quickly remind us that we’re not actually sunning it up abroad is the sad state that we leave our garden furniture in over the winter. 

To transform your garden into a getaway, use Zoflora Concentrated Multipurpose Disinfectant to give your outdoor furniture a refresh. Simply dilute Zoflora 1 in 40 in a trigger bottle to make a handy, ready to use disinfectant, and spray over furniture, allowing a contact time of 5 minutes to disinfect the surfaces so that your “holiday” can begin! We recommend using a fruity fragrance, such as Coconut & Lime, to really transport you to a tropical paradise.

Garden furniture on patio

Outdoor bins

As the months begin to heat up, a few nasty smells can begin to appear, especially from our bins! As well as making sure your bin is emptied regularly (and not forgetting which bin day it is!), it’s also important to regularly disinfect your bins. For wheely bins, we recommend filling a mop bucket with Zoflora diluted at a ratio of 1 in 40 with water and mopping over both the inside and outside. Using a mop will not only provide wider coverage than a cloth, but it will also allow you to reach all of the inside surfaces easily.. Zoflora will kill 99.9% of viruses and bacteria, whilst also eliminating any nasty odours and leaving your bin beautifully fragrant all day.

Outside drain

Outside drains

Nobody wants their time in the garden ruined by the whiff of drains, especially if you have guests over! Luckily, Zoflora is on hand to stop garden odours from scaring away your guests.  Simply pour 2 capfuls of neat Zoflora straight down the drain to eliminate any lingering odours as well as fill your garden with a burst of fragrance.

Children’s play equipment

We’ve left the most important one until last! Although they can be amazing distractions for our kids, play equipment can accumulate potentially harmful viruses and bacteria.  

To keep your play equipment hygienically clean, dilute Zoflora 1 in 40 in a bucket, and use a cloth to wipe over all of the surfaces. Not only will this kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, including the COVID-19 virus SARS-CoV-2, but it will also eliminate odours and fill your garden with beautiful fragrance. Always remember to leave the items you have wiped with Zoflora to completely dry before allowing children back to play. 

For more information on how to keep your outdoor spaces clean and beautifully fragrant,, visit our website zoflora.co.uk where you can also shop our full range of fragrances!